The Veil Here Is Thumbprint Thin: Poems and Tales from the In-Between

Shadows embody smoky truths revealed in slivers through the corners of our eyes. To visit these places is to reach behind our conscious mind, shake hands with the natural world, and brave the squishy place between hope and despair.

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About the Book

These short stories and poems attempt to draw back the veil, so that we may bathe in the pool of myth, descend into the otherworld, and, if all goes well, reemerge cleansed.

From the afterlife to mushroom lore, crow antics to Florida springs and fossils, these four tales reach into the depths of emotional darkness to unearth a glimpse of light.

A Dream Without A Dream – Begin again, believe again
Mycosphere – Foraging in the forests of the fae
Crow Story – Winging through worlds
Green Spring Blue – A come to Goddess moment

Genre: Poetry
Publisher: Page of Wands Publishing
Publication Year: 2022
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