
Lincoln Anderson was a loner who lived in a dysfunctional family. Happiness was not in his life.

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About the Book

All through school Lincoln wished he could be someone else. His parents and he moved to a community called Rosewood where high school ignited an interest in a popular student whom everyone said shared a striking resemblance. After graduating from high school, the classmates go their separate ways, only to be reunited at the same employer a few years later and reigniting Lincoln’s envy of Michael. Then one day Lincoln comes up with a plan: He will kidnap Michael and become him. The plan unfolds with Michael being kidnapped and harbored in a secluded cabin away from Rosewood and Lincoln taking on the persona of Michael and becoming him. Even Michael’s mother could not tell this man was not her son. As time went by Lincoln’s obsession took over and he had to know if he and Michael were related. A kind soul of one with a forgiving heart and the relentless obsession of another to find the truth results in the two men becoming good friends and developing a bond that could not be broken.

Genre: Fiction
Publication Year: 2020
ISBN: 9798572924268
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