
Kyle Ross was born to be a Superhero. To take each shot the world threw at him, and adapt without breaking his adamant will... he couldn't adapt to this.

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About the Book

The rise, fall and resurrection of a hero, who must overcome tragedy and desolation. The journey and pitfalls in a man’s attempt to do what is right, and define his morality and identity.

Kyle Ross was born super. Pity his parents didn’t see his powers the same way. He fought to enter the Citadel, and learn to become a hero… the second generation of superhuman heroes in the world. Even heroes shatter. How does a man pick himself up after the tumultuous fall? Ties up his boots and gets to work. Journey with Kyle through the innocence of his teenaged years, his rise, fall and revival to doggedly conquer the shadow-realm inspired Red Spiders.

R.L. Arenz III debuts with Aegis, a hard hitting sci-fi adventure filled with an honesty of emotion and defiant inner voice. Originally based on short stories written for MacroMicroCosm Lit Journal, R.L. Arenz III expanded his world in time for Winter 2020. With COVID-19…

Genre: Fiction
Publisher: Vraeyda Literary
Publication Year: 2020
ASIN: 1988034124
ISBN: 1988034124
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