Need a therapist? Blood pressure high? Stress and anxiety over the top? Forget the doctor and volunteer to be considered for a position in WAG, your writers’ organization.
It’s a proven fact that volunteers live longer and stay healthier, so when you see that important question on the WAG application, “Would you be interested in volunteering to keep WAG alive and healthy?” make a big check mark in the Yes box!
Take a look at the WAG volunteer positions at the bottom of the About page. We have two-year terms for the elected positions (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer), and 2016 is our election year. In addition, we have many non-elected positions up for grabs. We vote in our general meeting in November, and Past President Art Crummer is heading up our nominating committee. Art has a list of all current openings and would be happy to discuss any or all of them with you. I hope you will send an email right now to Art at this email address: pastpresident@writersalliance.org. Job descriptions are also available. One important position to be filled is that of president. To see that job description, click here. To see other job descriptions, email president@writeralliance.org and ask for specific ones.
As the old WW II poster saying goes…WE WANT YOU! Whether you have a needed skill or want the challenge of developing a new skill, we welcome your help. The only requirements for volunteers are a passion to support our group and a positive attitude.
Current volunteers will provide you with written instructions to facilitate an easy transition into your chosen position. All elected and non-elected volunteers know you are WAG’s most important asset. The gift of sharing your time and talent is priceless to a non-profit organization like ours.
Here’s a list of benefits common to all, including WAG volunteers:
- Enjoy a sense of purpose and pride.
- Gain confidence, boost self-esteem and social skills.
- Get to know your community.
- Stay mentally stimulated.
- Combat depression – the more you give, the happier you are.
- Still working? Boost your career and strengthen your work skills.
- Make new friends.
- Be a role model for others.
I first volunteered a little over two years ago when my predecessor left to follow his dream of traveling the world. We met a few times to discuss the “job” requirements, and he was always on call by email or phone if I had questions or problems. Even months later, whenever something new came up, I emailed him, and he quickly answered. So don’t worry about support. It will be there.
Your time commitment is your choice. A volunteer position can take as much or as little time as you’re willing to give. I look at it this way: TV is something I can do without and the pleasures of watching television cannot compare to what I gain by volunteering. It’s your choice how much you give of your time and talent. And WAG is appreciative of it all.
Please help WAG fulfill its mission of promoting, encouraging, and supporting aspiring and experienced writers…just like you. E-mail Art Crummer to share your skills and start making WAG even better!
Susie Baxter
Connie, thanks for writing this and for all you do for WAG. What a great group of volunteers we have! Thank you WAG Board, the Bacopa Editorial Board, and critique pod leaders for your dedication and service. Thanks also to guest speakers and talented WAG members who provide interesting and entertaining programs that inspire and keep us writers motivated.