It’s another year. Time for resolutions . . . lose weight, make this year better than last, earn more money, look for that perfect mate (if you don’t have one already, and if you do, remember Valentine’s Day is fast approaching), or improve upon your existing relationship. These are but a few of the things we hear when we think of New Year’s resolutions. Or at least, this used to be my outlook. But as a writer, my perspective is different.
As I told my high school students upon returning from our holiday siesta, we shouldn’t be focused on resolutions. However, we should set goals, long and short term. My personal goals for this year are to complete two novels. These are short-term goals for me, both of which I’ve already started; one novel is almost half complete. Another goal is to obtain more than thirty reviews per book. And my last goal, like for so many writers, is to become a best-seller!

For WAG, I also have goals for 2017, both long and short. The first and ongoing goal is to increase WAG membership. The second is for WAG to host a Book Festival here in Gainesville by the end of the year or early next year. We have plenty of authors in WAG and the surrounding areas, so why not host our own festival? Roz Miller, our Program Coordinator, is very excited and interested in heading up this project with help from our members.
Let’s also continue to think about how WAG can encourage young people to write. While our membership is limited to adults (due to the adult content of some material discussed in critique pods), WAG encourages and assists with several programs that target youth. Remember the program last year presented by Gainesville High teacher Nicole Harris and the poetry club, Canes on da Mic? What a treat! WAG now supports Canes on da Mic as well as a writing group at P.K. Yonge.
Now, another opportunity presents itself. Alachua County Librarian Rachelle Mason, the facilitator of a new group, Teen Creative Writing Club @ Tower, is interested in having WAG members speak to this group. The club organized in December 2016 with the intent of meeting monthly (though it may be suspended during the renovation of the Tower Road branch). The club meets next on Tuesday, January 31, at 4:00 p.m. Interested teens, ages 12-18, should contact Rachelle at the Tower Road branch, (352) 3333-2840.
Speaking of speakers! WAG member Bob Crow is chairman of our Speakers Bureau Committee, which is in the process of drawing up guidelines and application forms. More information to come on that in the WAG Digest and on this website.
I look forward to a great year! And I’m looking for bloggers. Short-term goal–Hint! Hint! Please read the blogging guidelines and topics, and if you would like to write a blog post, please contact me.