Minimalism in Tiny Stories

When writing stories of 750 words or fewer, the writer must successfully employ the skills of compression and concision. Compression mandates economy of words, the squeezing together of story line, beginning, middle, end, story arc, number of characters, dialogue and time frame. Tightness in writing and meaningful word choice offer … Read More

History of Typewriters

posted in: Writer's Craft 4

Do any of these names sound familiar? Remington, Olivetti, Royal,  Smith Corona… If so, then you’re one of us old folks who learned to keyboard on a manual typewriter. It was a lot more energy-consuming than the fairy-soft touch of electronic keyboards that we all use today. The history of … Read More

A Refresher on Literary Devices

posted in: Writer's Craft 1

Writers use literary devices to enhance a story and better convey an emotion or message. They can be an effective way to make your work more compelling, add depth, or paint a clearer picture. Here are a few interesting literary devices: Anthropomorphism: Lending a human quality or emotion to something … Read More

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