She was alive. She was safe. But where? And at what cost?Trapped in a house fire, Fern’s only means of escape is by a paranormal gift she never knew existed. Transported instantly from all she knew—family, home, friends—to a distant world from which she’s unable to return.
She was alive. She was safe. But where? And at what cost?Trapped in a house fire, Fern’s only means of escape is by a paranormal gift she never knew existed. Transported instantly from all she knew—family, home, friends—to a distant world from which she’s unable to return. There, her highly psychic rescuers lead a primitive lifestyle, hiding from an alien race that had once enslaved them.While dealing with homesickness and grief, Fern struggles with a new language, unusual customs, and unrequited love. Her efforts to fit in often fall short. Despite this, she becomes a contributing member of the community. In the end, it is her vigilance that saves the lives of her new people.