Anonymous Internet Research: A How-To Tutorial for Writers

So …you’re writing your novel or short story and you need some detailed information … You’re looking for the best way to hide a body. You want to deactivate a homemade bomb … or you want to build one. You want to slowly poison someone, but you’re not sure if … Read More

So, You Want to Write a Historical Novel? Story? Play? 4 Research Tips to Get You Started

Shakespeare himself could have done a bit of background research while writing his play, Julius Caesar. How’s that? In Act 2, Scene 1 of Julius Caesar, there’s a famous example of an anachronism. Brutus and Cassius discuss a mechanical clock: Brutus: “Peace! Count the clock.” Cassius: “The clock has stricken three.” But guess … Read More

Above and Beyond Kindle Vella: Other Serialization Apps for Writers

Amazon’s KDP has begun an additional way to publish, called Kindle Vella. It’s a way for writers to possibly capture a new audience: those who read on their phones. Phone readers of my acquaintance lean toward the younger side. I also recognize commuters on trains and busses are using the … Read More

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