Add a Pinch of Humanity to Your Stories, Your Characters, Your Writing …

  Recent feedback to a series of stories I shared on Facebook made me lean back in my chair and have a good mull-over. “I especially enjoy the humanity that comes through your stories….” Oh? I’ve read several commentaries about how over-zealous English professors and critics can imbue a story … Read More

How Bibliographies Benefit All Writers

I’ll admit it, I spend a lot of time compiling bibliographies. For me, there’s something inherently satisfying about seeing a list of references all lined up, like bunches of beautiful flowers waiting to be picked. Research, for both fiction and nonfiction, requires bibliographies. To recreate past worlds, as in historical … Read More

Do You Dare? Writing about Still-Living People in Your Memoir

In the case of your memoir, only you can know for sure what’s apt and what’s not. Memoirist Mary Karr, celebrated for her gritty memoir, The Liars’ Club, quoted Jerry Stahl’s comment from his memoir, Permanent Midnight: “If you had to live it, you get to write it.” Yes, you … Read More

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