5 Ways to Power Past Writer’s Block

posted in: How To 0

If you’re a writer facing down writer’s block, few things are scarier than staring at a blank Word file evocatively titled “Document1.” You sit, hands poised on (or somewhere near) your keyboard, wondering why your muse has gone AWOL while picturing every other writer acquaintance of yours typing away, creative … Read More

How Can I Help a Writer?

posted in: How To 5

The first time a friend asked me what she could do to support me in my writing, my answer was incoherent. I was so surprised, I stood there with my mouth hanging open, struggling to process what the question meant. Since that day—many years ago—I’ve come up with a better … Read More

Make Time for Writing

posted in: How To 1

If you ask an amateur writer, “Why aren’t you writing?” the most common excuse is “I want to write, but I just can’t find the time!” This is the bottom line: You will never find time to write. You have to make time. According to author Kathleen McCleary in a … Read More

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