If your organization needs a speaker, check out WAG’s list of speakers and their topics. Those listed are WAG members who are willing to share their knowledge on given topics in thirty-minute to one-hour public presentations. For questions, see the FAQs below. If you do not find your answer there, email WAG’s Speakers Bureau Coordinator, Mallory O’Connor.

If you are a WAG member and wish to be on the Speakers Bureau, complete the Application Form and send it with other required material by email to the Speakers Bureau Coordinator or by USPS to: WAG Speakers Bureau, Writers Alliance of Gainesville, P.O. Box 358396, Gainesville, FL 32635-8396

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply to serve as a speaker?

Any WAG member is eligible.

How may I contact a WAG speaker?

Take these steps: (1) Click on WAG’s list of speakers and their topics. (2) Choose a speaker. (3) If the speaker does not have contact information listed, contact the Speakers Bureau Coordinator.  If the speaker has a website listed, go to the speaker’s contact page of the website and send the speaker a request, giving the speaker your contact information. Note: If you do not receive a response from the speaker within three business days, contact WAG’s Speakers Bureau Coordinator.

Are speakers paid for their presentations?

WAG does not charge or collect any compensation for or from speakers. Each speaker sets his or her own terms in advance of the presentation. Specific arrangements for any honorarium or travel expenses are the responsibility of the presenter in communication with the requesting organization.

May author speakers promote and sell their book(s) or other publications when they speak?

Authors should address this issue with the requesting organization. Authors may be invited to sell books in lieu of an honorarium.

How are speakers selected/vetted?

WAG members wishing to participate in the Speakers Bureau must complete the Application Form, attaching (1) contact information (phone, email, and website), (2) a summary or outline of topic(s) he/she will speak on, (3) a bio that includes experiences with presenting, and (4) a good-quality photo (headshot) that will be posted on the Speakers page. The applicant must also agree to abide by the Guidelines on the Application Form and the Presentation Checklist.

How are presentations monitored?

Speakers ask each audience member to complete an Audience Feedback Form. The completed forms are to be turned over to the Speakers Bureau Coordinator at the next WAG general meeting or within 30 days of each presentation. WAG Board members may also attend and evaluate speaker presentations.

Once on the Speakers Bureau, always on the Speakers Bureau?

No. It is an honor to serve on the WAG Speakers Bureau, and WAG reserves the right to remove a speaker from the roster in the event of a lapse in membership, a failure to follow guidelines and procedures, and/or negative feedback.

NOTE: The following disclaimer appears on the Speakers page:

Speakers are members in good standing with WAG, who are knowledgeable on various topics, but organizations wishing to invite a WAG member to speak should do their own research, such as checking the speaker’s website and Googling the speaker’s name. WAG in no way takes responsibility for any speaker and his/her presentation.