What are Critique Pods?

Pods are small, supportive groups (3‒7 members) that meet regularly to critique one another’s work. Each pod has a contact person who keeps meetings on track and maintains communication with pod members. The members:

  • Meet at least once a month
    Currently, most meet via Zoom. For more information, read this blog post.
  • Write in the same genre (with exceptions)
  • Point out what works and what doesn’t, nourishing one another’s growth
Why join a pod?

Talking to a keyboard is a solitary experience. After a while, our creative excitement withers. We lose trust in our words. Critique groups can hear our words, respond to them, give us confidence, and help us understand how well we are communicating. With feedback, we grow as writers. Pod mates can become our biggest fans, hardest critics, best teachers, and closest friends. To read what members of pods say, check out this blog post: How My Critique Pod Benefits Me.

What if I am not yet ready to join a pod?

If you are unsure about joining a pod, check out the Mentoring Program.

WAG has only two hard-and-fast Pod rules:
  1. You must be a WAG member to join a pod.
  2. You must critique the writing, not the writer, in a courteous manner.
How do pods work?

Some pods expect members to submit a piece—a chapter, short story, essay, poem, scene—at every meeting; others don’t. Most have word limits for submissions. Some have strict rules for critique; others are casual. Some ask members to read their submissions out loud, while others email submissions ahead of time, and plunge right into critiquing at the meeting. Members of some pods see/hear a piece for the first time when they meet. Others comment on submissions, using Word, and return copies via email to the author. A few pods expect authors to take their own notes during discussion. Some have members with varying levels of writing experience; some are made up of all beginners or all seasoned writers.

May I visit a pod to have my work critiqued?

To have your work critiqued, you must be a member of WAG and join a pod. Pod meetings are not open for folks to just drop in. Guests must check with the pod contact person before visiting. If you are a WAG member, you may visit as many pods as you like, with permission from each pod, but your work likely will not be critiqued on your first visit. If you are not a WAG member, you may visit a pod once, with permission from the pod contact person, but your work will not be critiqued. However, in most pods, the guest will be asked to submit a writing sample, and he/she will be invited to participate in the critique of pod members’ works.

How do I visit/join a pod?

If you know the pod you wish to visit, find the pod below (listed by genre), click on the contact name, and send an inquiry email to learn when the pod meets. If you do not know which pod you wish to join, send an email to WAG’s Pod Coordinator, who will help you arrange a visit with a pod. WAG’s goal is to match each writer with a pod in which he or she feels comfortable and is likely to receive helpful feedback. Members of most pods come to a consensus before accepting a new member.

What if I don’t find the pod I need?

Contact the Pod Coordinator who will work with you to find a different pod. If all pods are full, we will try to create a new pod. If you have an interest in a special kind of pod and are willing to pitch in and help organize it, the pod coordinator will help you.

Find Your Critique Pod Now

Click a plus sign (+) below to find information about our critique pods.

Creative Cronies

Contact: Karen Porter
Meeting time: 3:00 PM, 1st Friday of month
Place: Panera Bread
Note: Email submissions in advance, up to 2500 words.

Kidlit & More POD

Contact: Alycin Hayes
Meeting time: Every other Tuesday at 1:00 PM
Place: Zoom
Note: Submit writing in advance on Google Docs, Maximum 3000 words, accepting new members.

Christian Literature

Contact: Tony Elliott
Meeting time: Varies according to consensus of members.
Place: Zoom, when appropriate and agreed on.
Note: Electronic submissions and critiques of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Accepting new members.

First Drafters

Contact: Kassandra Lamb
Meeting time: To be announced.
Place: To be announced.
Note: For beginning writers only. Accepting new members.

Peas in a Pod (Fiction and other genres)

Contact: Pat Caren
Meeting time: 3:30 PM – 3:30 PM, every Wednesday
Place: One Love Café
Note: Electronic submissions. Focus is on novels, but short fiction and creative nonfiction are accepted.

They Who Shall Not Be Named (fiction)

Contact: Felicia Lee
Meeting time: Monday evening, once per month
Place: Check with pod leader.
Note: Accepting new members.

New Fiction Pod

Contact: Kezia Awadzi
Meeting Time: 1st Mtg. May 24th, 2022, then every other Tuesday at 6:30 PM

General Genre Pod (poetry, fiction, and nonfiction)

Contact: Wendy Thornton
Meeting Time: Every other Wednesday at 2 PM, check with pod leader.
Place: Crafty Bastards in Magnolia Parke
Note: Up to 12 double-spaced pages emailed several days before meeting.

Heart Melody (Memoir)

Contact: Connie Morrison
Meeting time: 1:00 PM, 4th Wednesday of each month
Place: Zoom
Note: Email up to 6 pages in advance, noting areas needing help; read aloud at meeting.

Power of Writing (POW) (Memoir/Creative Nonfiction)

Contact: Ronnie Lovler
Meeting time: 4:00 PM, 1st and 3rd Monday
Place: Zoom
Note: Dropbox submissions, up to 2,500 words. Laptops are used at meetings to view everyone’s critiques.

Publishable Memoirs

Contact:: Ken Wald
Meeting Time: Every other Tue., 2:00 PM
Place: Zoom
Note: Accepting new members.

NEW nonfiction pod: Truth or Consequences

Contact:: Susan Williams
Meeting Time: 1:00 p.m. on Monday, once a month
Place: Various locations
Note: Accepting new members.

Write Your Memoir

Contact: Susie Baxter
Meeting time: 4:00 PM, 2nd and 4th Monday
Place: Zoom
Note: Dropbox submissions, up to 2,500 words. Laptops used at meetings to view everyone’s critiques. Accepting new members.