WAG’s mission is all about writers helping writers. (Check out this video!) Whatever stage of the writing life you are in—from just getting started to already having published your work—we have you covered. Here is a list of all the ways that becoming part of the WAG community can help you achieve your goals:
STAGE I ~ Writing Your First Stories or Poems:
If you are a novice writer, in the early stages of your writer’s journey, there are many sources of support and assistance available to you in the Writers Alliance of Gainesville (WAG). Then, we will also be with you through each subsequent stage of your journey.
- Mentoring Program:
The Mentoring Program Coordinator (MPC) meets one-on-one via Zoom with members who think they might be interested in either a mentor and/or a critique pod. The MPC helps members determine their current needs and tries to match them up with an appropriate mentor or critique pod. See https://writersalliance.org/mentoring-group/.
- Critique Pod for New Writers:
Members of this pod (most are unpublished) exchange their work in progress for feedback from other members. The pod also provides support, accountability, and encouragement to KEEP WRITING! Contact the MPC via https://writersalliance.org/mentoring-group if you are interested in this group.
- Genre-specific Critique Pods:
Most of WAG’s pods consist of three to six members writing in the same or similar genres. They exchange their work in progress for feedback from other members. The pods also provide support, accountability, and encouragement. Some meet in person; others meet via Zoom. See https://writersalliance.org/critique-pods/.
- Presentations at WAG’s Monthly Meetings:
Not all programs will be relevant to every writer, but many of these presentations are about writing craft. And even when the topic is not completely relevant, one still picks up valuable tidbits of information. The presenters are well-established authors and/or experts in the fields being discussed. For example, a former police officer may talk about how to present law enforcement accurately. See https://writersalliance.org/events/program-dates/.
- The WAG Blog:
Our blog, The Hogtowne Quill, offers posts on a variety of writing craft and publishing topics. It can also be a source of inspiration and encouragement. Check out its archives as well. See https://writersalliance.org/blog/.
- Social Events:
Throughout the year, we have Meet-and-Greets, holiday parties, and other social events that provide opportunities for networking, support, and fun!
STAGE II ~ Completed Draft:
- Beta-Reader Program:
WAG members and outside readers read other members’ completed manuscripts and give feedback on the big picture—how the story hangs together, inconsistencies, pacing, etc. As WAG members, let’s take advantage of this free feedback and be willing to beta-read for other members as well. See https://writersalliance.org/enjoy-reading-beta-reader/.
- Editing Resources on the WAG Website:
Local editors, photographers, designers, etc. are listed at https://writersalliance.org/services/.
STAGE III ~ Preparing to Publish:
The mentoring program, the pods, the blog, and the monthly presentations can all provide advice and support for this part of the process. In addition, we have…
- Writing for the WAG Blog:
Writing blog posts about your writer’s journey, as well as any other area of your expertise that might be helpful and interesting to other writers, can give you “published author” creds. See https://writersalliance.org/blog/wag-blogging-guidelines/.
- Bacopa Literary Review:
Members receive a free copy of this international journal, published annually by WAG. Anyone can submit a piece for consideration, and there is no charge for submission. Having a story or poem published in this journal is an impressive credential. See https://writersallianceofgainesville.submittable.com/submit.
STAGE IV ~ Once Published:

Some of the monthly presentations cover marketing topics, such as how to get reviews. In addition, we have…
- The Marketing Coalition:
This group shares and discusses promotion techniques and marketing strategies. It is open to all WAG members. Meetings are announced under Upcoming Events on the home page of the WAG website.
12. The WAG Website:
WAG also helps members promote their books by listing their books in our Bookstore. Members may also have their websites and blogs listed on the site.
13. Book Signings at Local Events:
Throughout the year, WAG rents space at various Gainesville events such as the Spring Arts Festival and Thornebrook’s Arts and Crafts Festival. There is usually no charge to WAG members to have their books for sale on these tables; we only ask that authors spend about two hours in the booth.
14. The Sunshine State Book Festival:
Held every year in late January, this book festival draws authors and readers from all over northern Florida and beyond. The 2024 venue can accommodate 200 authors. WAG members are given the opportunity to pre-register before it is open to the general public. See https://sunshinestatebookfestival.com/.
STAGE V ~ Paying It Forward:
15. Become a presenter/mentor, continue writing for the blog, and volunteer for tasks/roles that keep WAG a vibrant organization, so we can help other members along their writing journey.
16. Members may also apply to join WAG’s Speakers Bureau.
WAG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. If you have unanswered questions about WAG or wish to volunteer in some capacity, contact one of the officers/volunteers listed at the bottom of the “About” page.
[Editor’s note: WAG would love to see articles on any and all topics of interest to writers. Please send your ideas or finished pieces to BlogEditor@writersalliance.org for consideration. Remember: these posts are more than just posts, for they are actual articles and can be cited in your CV/résumé in the same way you would a short story, essay, or any other writing credit you may possess.]
Bonnie Ogle
What a great compilation of services. We can use this in a variety of ways, Kass. Thanks for putting it together and thanks for all you do for WAG and particularly for newbies!
Kassandra Lamb
Thanks, Bonnie. I was actually a little surprised when I started putting this together. WAG really does a LOT of stuff!
Jenny Dearinger
Great article! Thanks, Kass🤗
Kassandra Lamb
Thanks, Jenny! Glad you liked it.