Five hundred words. Or maybe a thousand.
That’s all.
The Writers Alliance of Gainesville blog needs YOU to write on topics of your choice, at least those pertaining to any aspect of writing. Share your expertise, your experience, your hard-earned knowledge about writing with your colleagues.
Your name might not appear in lights on marquees. But there will be SEO and Google hits, the modern equivalent thereof.
As W. Somerset Maugham states in his “autobiography,” The Summing Up, “The disadvantages and dangers of the author’s calling are offset by an advantage so great as to make all its difficulties, disappointments, and maybe hardships, unimportant … . Nothing befalls him that he cannot transmute into a stanza, a song, or a story, and having done this, be rid of it.”
Well said. Life becomes the written word. No detail too minor, no thought too brazen, no experience too mundane. It’s all material, grist for the mill.
Anyone who’s ever put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard has something to share about writing and its peculiar nuances.
Including you.
Have you:
- wrestled with formatting your independently published book?
- found an inspiring book about writing?
- struggled with a braided essay?
- researched a novel? Nonfiction? What worked best?
- faced too many rejections? How did you overcome that?
- discovered the perfect way to pitch your work?
- landed an agent to represent your work?
- experienced an epiphany while writing?
- experimented with different genres? What did you learn?
- devised ways to write on days when writing is the furthest thing from your mind?
- developed a sure-fire marketing strategy for your work?
- succeeded in getting social media like Goodreads to work well for you?
Tell us what you found helpful. And not helpful at all.
So think about it.
What would you like to share?
Five hundred words.
Or maybe a thousand.
Give the gift that keeps on giving. Your expertise. It’s invaluable.
“Jackson Pollock once paid a fortune for a Picasso drawing, then erased it in order to see how it was made.”
~ The Liars’ Club

Interested? Please send your ideas and articles to Cynthia D. Bertelsen, WAG’s blog editor at BlogEditor@writersalliance.org. And check out WAG’s Blogging Guidelines.
Amber Lee
Thank you, Cynthia. Great ideas for sharing. We can always grow in some way and I appreciate learning from the posts here.