Can You Hear Me Now?

  Still deep in the editing stage of my memoir, I wonder how much advice to take and what to shrug off. Fortune smiled my way when I decided to become a WAG member in January of 2013. Then smiled even brighter when I immediately connected with a critique pod. … Read More

What is Voice?

posted in: Writer's Craft 3

In writing, voice might be defined as the personality, authenticity, sincerity, energy, texture of the narrative. Voice lifts the story off the page and grabs the reader. Voice consists of the sum of the author’s conscious and unconscious thoughts, perspectives, attitudes and experiential wisdom. It is the skillful way the … Read More

Beta Readers Needed

One of WAG’s first undertakings was to form critique pods, groups of five or six writers who could meet regularly to read each other’s work and give feedback. Today, we have thirteen pods! One for children’s literature, one for poetry, one mixed genre, five fiction (primarily novels), and five nonfiction … Read More

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