A Collection of Faith-Based Short Stories by Dr. Teresa with valuable life lessons learned throughout
each story. Not only does it provide solutions for dealing with demanding situations, but it also
teaches that tragedies are no more than treasures that become life lessons toward bringing the
true essence of faith.
Story One: The Camouflage of Delilah “Woman of Color”
A Southern fictional biography about the life of a girl named Delilah. The setting is around 1940’s
when being biracial in the community was not acceptable. Delilah’s mom was a lady of the night.
At an early age, Delilah’s mom told her she was a “woman of color” and that she could manipulate
both sides of the racial barriers. Delilah’s mom abandoned her at an early age pulling her into a
life of agony and despair, but faith helps her to persevere.
Story Two: Delilah Too! “The Camouflage Continues…”
This story is the sequel to The Camouflage of Delilah. It was all about survival with Delilah after
she meets a mysterious older woman who taught her how to survive in two worlds battling with
racial barriers. Even though pieces of Delilah’s life were finally pulling together, other fragments
were unresolved.