Time Warp: "A hypothetical eccentricity of time moving back and forth between eras." Past and future, present in the poet's life. Dinnertime as a child ("When we sat to eat I looked at Daddy first, sniffed the air, alert"). A marriage's Mayday distress call ("Earthquake. Sudden trembling, accumula...
Time Warp: “A hypothetical eccentricity of time moving back and forth between eras.” Past and future, present in the poet’s life. Dinnertime as a child (“When we sat to eat I looked at Daddy first, sniffed the air, alert”). A marriage’s Mayday distress call (“Earthquake. Sudden trembling, accumulated energy, quick release along the faults”). Questions of aging in Feuilleton (“Do I sit and wait until I’m rickety, particular about my cereal, my Scotch?”)…