When we "break out of the box," we see something in a radically new light or behave in a totally different way. We've all experienced these turning points at work and in our personal lives. We know change is possible. But breaking free of life-long patterns can be difficult. Even when we want to ch...
When we “break out of the box,” we see something in a radically new light or behave in a totally different way. We’ve all experienced these turning points at work and in our personal lives. We know change is possible. But breaking free of life-long patterns can be difficult. Even when we want to change, sometimes we’re stuck and don’t know how to get unstuck. Whether you’re a professional coach, manager, parent, teacher, counselor, or friend to whom people come for advice, this book is for you. The Enneagram is a brilliant diagnostic tool to help identify nine different ways of viewing the world. You’ll see the gifts that people of each worldview bring to work and personal relationships. You’ll also see the flip side-nine different inner mindsets that can keep people in a rut. When you know the Enneagram, you know the one underlying master dynamic pattern that created the rut, and where to apply leverage for change. This is the only Enneagram coaching book that offers a chapter on how to potential clients can convince themselves they want to hire you, and how to ensure ongoing clients will continue with you This fourth edition has three new appendices – the vision for all nine Enneagram styles, a summary of transformational coaching skills, and how to engage new clients. The authors’ lively prose is vivid and illuminating. The examples are real and their suggestions are practicaL They explore and demonstrate the kinds of interventions you can make in precisely the right place to achieve transforming results. After reading this book, you’ll be able to coach people to break out of their boxes. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself changing, too!