Whether you’re seeking self-exploration and expression or you’re just
interested in what poetry is, this journal will expand your world for you.
Tired of spending hours online getting triggered, reading about other
people’s thoughts and opinions as they stream past on social media?
Take time to build your personal collection of inspirations for the future –
your future. Something permanent to hold onto, look back at, or build
on and share. Whether you’re new to poetry or experienced, you will find
little gems scattered about in these pages of instructions and illustrations.
Short descriptions of twelve common kinds of poetry are provided: Haiku,
Free Verse, Concrete, Limerick, Sonnet, Villanelle, Ekphrastic, Elegy, Ode,
Acrostic, Epigram, and Ballad. History, rules, and examples of each are
given – both classic and modern. Following each section are topic
suggestions to help inspire you as you compose. You may want to
experiment with the assorted styles or just do your own thing.
Most of the journal contains empty pages with faint, dotted guidelines.
Blank pages provide canvases for your thoughts, your poetry, your art –
your you.
Because poetry is an expression filled with imagery, art flows both from
it as well as into it. Famous art has been inspired by poetry, and poetry has
been inspired by artwork. The two, by nature, are interwoven, so use the
pages also for your sketches and doodles. They are muses for your thoughts
and words. Writing and art are two of the most powerful tools and
strategies for grounding one’s inner person, discovering hidden passions,
and finding peace.
This journal is a perfect gift for you or any friend or relative to inspire
and provide enjoyment and entertainment. Poetry is like a sophisticated
mental puzzle that intrigues and challenges, and in the end, yields
gratification, clarity through synthesis, and a sense of accomplishment.
The last section includes suggestions for continuing and resources.
Appropriate for high school through retirement age. A perfect aid for
any classroom, home school, or learning environment.
There Is No Greater Gift Than Inspiration.