AMAZON HITCHHIKER is the true story of Alycin Hayes, a young woman who hitchhikes alone in the 1970s across the USA, Mexico, and Central America to the Amazon Basin. On the spur of the moment, she buys an old dugout canoe thinking she can paddle from Colombia to Brazil.
AMAZON HITCHHIKER is the true story of Alycin Hayes, a young woman who hitchhikes alone in the 1970s across the USA, Mexico, and Central America to the Amazon Basin. On the spur of the moment, she buys an old dugout canoe thinking she can paddle from Colombia to Brazil.
Without enough food or even a map she soon discovers the Amazon rainforest is not the idyllic paradise she had imagined. She forges her way through this challenging, sometimes mystical adventure, facing life-threatening obstacles, while falling in love along the way.
With candid honesty and a lifesaving sense of humor, Hayes has written an account of her travels that you won’t be able to put down.