So, You Want to Write a Historical Novel? Story? Play? 4 Research Tips to Get You Started

Shakespeare himself could have done a bit of background research while writing his play, Julius Caesar. How’s that? In Act 2, Scene 1 of Julius Caesar, there’s a famous example of an anachronism. Brutus and Cassius discuss a mechanical clock: Brutus: “Peace! Count the clock.” Cassius: “The clock has stricken three.” But guess … Read More

The Artist Date: A Crucial Tool for Writers

Over forty-four years ago, Julia Cameron woke up one morning, her marriage to director Martin Scorese in tatters, her head throbbing from yet another night of overindulgence in the grape. Other things happening in her life led her to the realization she needed to do something. That something turned out … Read More

At a Loss for a Word? Above and Beyond the Thesaurus

Beautiful View? How so? You turn the pages of what promised to be a ripping yarn. But “it” happens again. On the very first page, you read “It was a beautiful view.” A few pages later, again, a similar example pops up: “James is a big man, and a bad … Read More

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